Why Zambia? Why Honduras? Why Uganda? Why Jamaica? Why do you go to help in places outside the US when we have so many needs? Why? In my case it is not an either/or it is a commitment to both. In the US we are blessed and in a position to do both.
Our poor in the United States are cared for VERY well. Our government more than compensates for the needs of those who have less than most. I am certain some will debate me on this statement as we can always find a child or person who has fallen through the cracks, but that is not the fault of our government or a lack of our compassion, it is a fact of life that will never go away.
I will not soap box here but having been in 3rd world countries seeing and working with those who truly are poor I remain committed to having my feet in their world while doing what I can here as well. The 'why' is because they truly are needy.
How I landed in Zambia was not by my doing. It came about as a choice I made to help Hands of Hope raise money for their projects. http://www.handsofhopeonline.org/. Their projects can be small loans to women who can raise poultry, or goats, or run a 'boutique' and raise the standard of living for their family.
Their projects are placing wells in very remote villages so water, clean water is close by and in turn improve the quality of life for a village.
Hands of Hope projects provide irrigation to remote villages so they can grow food for their people and then earn additional money for basic things in life. Their projects are building schools, once again in the very
remote villages so these children will attend school. Their projects
are building a medical clinic in a remote area so that the people can
get some medical attention without having to walk 10-20 miles while sick
or ready to deliver a baby.
For each of these projects I will eventually write about in them in the future but for now I hope you sense the impact of doing just a few simple things well. The two photos below are both 'clinics'. The one on the left is the new clinic built by Hands of Hope in a very remote village. The photo on the right is the clinic built by the village that we visited to dedicated their well. As humble as it is this village was excited to show us that they were improving their village life and the well helped to make this possible. These two places are where a baby may be born, aids victims cared for and hope given. Perhaps someday this second village will have a real clinic to utilize.
I love that all of the money raised at our events go to projects and the needs of those who have nothing. All of the money! No one stateside earns a salary and the money sent over to Zambia is accounted for penny by penny. It does not get better than this.
Economic Development to a very, very poor and overlooked part of the world has captivated my heart. From the worlds perspective this tiny spot on the face of the earth does not matter, for it brings no value to the world market. However, from God's perspective these people are valuable, important and worth our focus. In Matthew, chapter 25 and verse 40, a book of the Bible, Jesus shares with us this truth. ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it (giving - my words) to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’ Though not everyone reading this blog or who participate in Hands of Hope accept this as a divine mandate, It is a special and rewarding mandate that I hope captivates your heart and draws you into thinking about how you can reach out to those who truly are in need. It is my mandate.
If you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one. Mother Theresa
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