Friday, August 31, 2012

Now this is Labor Day!

Here in the US on the first Monday in September we take a 'holiday' from work.  This holiday was born from union leaders protesting the need for a break.  I am all for a break and a time to end the 'summer' on a slow and easy note.  No complaints here.

However, let's go back to Zambia and in a few pictures I will share what hard labor is really like for little pay.  Here in the US we 'cry' poor and many people are struggling but the majority of Americans do not know poor.  The simplest home here would be a dream home for most Zambians, to include the leaders, the educators, the ambassador and medical people.  Seriously!!!!

On this Labor Day weekend please stop and count your blessings.  If you are reading this you have a computer, electricity, and I will leave the rest of my 'list of blessings' out of this writing. 

Let's have look at real labor issues and a people who long for a job, long to survive and to provide for there families.  There is no minimum wage, no insurance, no medical care to be had, no vacation pay, no maternity leave, just work.  Work they are grateful to have.

Each of these people will return home to their huts.  Water will be scarce and most likely they will sleep on the ground.   My resounding message with each blog is be thankful for all that you have, know that most of the world cannot even imagine your blessings. 

These ladies work in the Cashew Factory.  Every single cashew is hand shelled, cleaned and processed.  It is tedious work. They are at a treadle table that cracks the shell of the cashew.

These men are about to make a 14 day journey back to Angola to sell their goods.

These ladies are heading home from shopping.  The day is ending and work at home will begin

Oxen are the transportation for this man to get his goods to the market.

The market is filled with people eking out living selling their goods.

This lady is grinding her masa for the days meal.
These cabbages came from the gardens below. 

A baby on her back this lady is watering her garden.  The lady on your right is pumping the water for her hose.                                       
This young man is working in the irrigation ditch that sends water to the gardens above. 

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