Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Not Forsaken

 A world away and 7 hours later in this day a place called the Western Province of Zambia is going about life.  It is winter now in this part of the world and for me the climate is just right; cool at night and during the day the heat index is just above 80. The mosquito population is almost gone  and though DUSTY and the roads quite bumpy getting around was not too bad.  I was encouraged to come and visit during the rainy season but other than being a curious soul, I am not thinking this will happen.  A LandRover finding its way through the flooded Njashishi Road in Kanyama Compound in Lusaka      (rainy season road travel)

I cannot imagine how hard life must be in the mud, the sand/mud and the wet hot temperatures that accompany the rain.  Life, month after month, season after season is just plane HARD.   The people who live here are resilient and survivors, this wimpy white lady from the suburbs of Chicago could not make it a day, left to herself.    I am in and out of Mongu after almost two weeks, I bring my peanut butter and Clif bars to assure I won't starve, bottled water is as close as a request.  We are equipped with bug spray to ward off the mosquito's who did not get the memo that rains are gone and  I get to sleep in a tight and dry room at The Dolphin Lodge. (A Place Better Than Home).
He has not moved in a year. 

I mentally force myself to not whine about my food offerings reminding myself that each day we are offered 3 meals. Less than a kilometer or two away orphans are starving, moms are hoping to provide one meal of maize that they cook on an open fire perhaps with very dirty water.  

 Hands of Hope is like a breath of fresh air and hope!
There are many NGO's in Africa, (Non Government Organizations) each trying to make this vast continent a better place.  By the worlds standards Hands of Hope is small and insignificant. (We are under the radar but getting a lot done! Stateside there are no employees and we are small but becoming mighty as we promote our work.)

What excites me is that size does not determine the effectiveness.  We are small but what is being done is being noticed.  We with God's blessings are making a HUGE difference.  Let me know if you want to be part of this...:)

Yes, God has blessed our work! In two very remote and forgotten villages life and hope are coming to these people.  Like dormant seeds that are watered Lutendee and Mawawa are blossoming.   Hands of Hope chose a barren and desolate place on the earth that no one wanted to help, not even the local officials.  (More on that later.)

Scripture (Bible) is my source of guidance as I do life.  I do not take sections from the Bible out of their context and make them fit into my life filter to then justify my actions.  So as I share this verse with you I do so because I was reminded of a Biblical principal that threads throughout scripture.  It applies to these people we are focusing in on to help.  God cares for them!  God has heard their cries and is meeting them here in place no one signs up to go. 

 "The Lord did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any other people, for you were the least of all peoples;  but because the Lord loves you"...my words.. He has brought you hope.  

 In the blogs to come more pictures of Hope and Happiness will be shown.  From barren sandy plains to lush fertile crops Hands of Hope and Zambia Works are making a huge difference. 

From villages with no wells many of you through Hands of Hope have given clean water.  These crops are an oasis in the middle of a desert.

From a flat dusty plot of land, a village chief gave of his families legacy, land for a school! He wanted his people to be educated, Hands of Hope  with Zambia Works have built that school!

It takes great courage to open one's heart and mind to the tremendous injustice and suffering in our world. V. Gallagher 

Having been here twice I still find it hard to convey the bareness, the dirt, the poverty, the primitive thinking in place where time has stopped. I wish I were a word smith that could transfer you to a place few travel to  and have you grasp what is so foreign to you.  But through many of you Hope has come to these wonderful, grateful people.  Hope and hope for their future is what we desire to bring to them.  I am blessed because they have changed me.  


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