Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Cabbage Patch Revolution

Never in a million years would anyone have guessed that I would become excited over cabbages.  I am not a coleslaw fan.  I am not of an ethnic background where cabbage was part of our diet. Sauerkraut as a child, was my first memory of this vegetable. I watched my mom make it in big crocks. Each day It just became smelly and sour.   

The closest thing to getting my taste buds excited over this vegetable is a good egg roll.  Now, with this use of cabbage you have my attention!  However, egg rolls are an unknown entity in Mongu and will probably remain so for a long time.

This awesome Treadle Pump was secured by a loan.  Allowing this young mom to pull water from her well to water her garden. She step pumps while another person waters the gardens.
On my trips to Mongu, cabbages of all things brought tears to my eyes!  Not because of the aroma created when cabbage is cooked, or the fact that it was a meal staple each day, but because the miracle that these cabbages could grow in this sandy barren land. 

We go off road for miles and head to a village.  Suddenly we come upon rows and rows of big, beautiful green heads of cabbage!  These oasis gardens, loaded with this vegetable, represent a new hope for adequate food to eat, for income and a better life.  The cabbages that are being grown in the gardens helped by Hands of Hope have become the cabbages of choice when brought to market!  They are big and beautiful.  Cabbages are sold per head not weight, so the choice of the buyer is always going to go for size and for freshness. 

The sandy soil is well suited for this veggie. Just add water.   Wells determine how big and vibrant a garden can be.  Instead of pouring water on the plants bucket by bucket as too many village gardeners do, treadle pumps with hoses attached, keep the vegetables watered well.  A brilliant and simple way to water a garden.  A small simple loan changes how these women live!  Hands of Hope has committed to work in this very remote area where these wonderful people have been over looked for centuries. I could have never imagined what a world of difference cabbage patches would make in a life.

I am also learning that God, the Creator of life provided healthy food in the midst of what seems like desolate and barren lands. His cabbages 'like' this soil and cabbages are very healthy veggies!  Go figure!

Nutrients in
1.00 cup raw (70.00 grams)
Nutrient%Daily Value

 vitamin K66.5%

 vitamin C42.7%





 vitamin B64.5%




 vitamin B12.6%

Calories (17)0%

Added to this list of nutrients, cabbage lowers cholesterol and helps with digestion.   I have a ways to go to love all of the cabbage recipe options.   Mongu has a ways to go before Egg Rolls will be offered for dinner.  So I will share with you a quick and simple egg roll recipe while I work at adding cabbage recipes into my meal plans.  

Egg Roll - 1 lb  (small) shrimp, pork or chicken, 1 tsp ground ginger, 1 tsp garlic powder,  1 tbsp creamy peanut butter lightly saute in skillet with small amount peanut oil, drain.  Two cups shredded cabbage, 2 ounces of shredded carrots, mix into meat toss lightly and allow to drain.   I place this mixture in a colander and push liquid out.  On square egg roll skin, place about 1/3 cup of mixture in middle.  Directions on how to fold the Egg Roll are on each pkg.   Fry until golden brown, place on paper towel, drain, serve warm with Sweet Sour Sauce. Makes about 8 rolls. (Test one Egg Roll to determine best cooking time.)

This young mother waters her beautiful cabbage garden.

These simple garden tools help to turn the soil and weed the gardens.

I am helping to water this garden.  The step pump is easy to use.  Stair master with a purpose.

In the night the cabbages catch at the moon, the leaves drip silver, the rows of cabbages are a series of little silver waterfalls in the moon.
-  Carl Sandburg

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Not Forsaken

 A world away and 7 hours later in this day a place called the Western Province of Zambia is going about life.  It is winter now in this part of the world and for me the climate is just right; cool at night and during the day the heat index is just above 80. The mosquito population is almost gone  and though DUSTY and the roads quite bumpy getting around was not too bad.  I was encouraged to come and visit during the rainy season but other than being a curious soul, I am not thinking this will happen.  A LandRover finding its way through the flooded Njashishi Road in Kanyama Compound in Lusaka      (rainy season road travel)

I cannot imagine how hard life must be in the mud, the sand/mud and the wet hot temperatures that accompany the rain.  Life, month after month, season after season is just plane HARD.   The people who live here are resilient and survivors, this wimpy white lady from the suburbs of Chicago could not make it a day, left to herself.    I am in and out of Mongu after almost two weeks, I bring my peanut butter and Clif bars to assure I won't starve, bottled water is as close as a request.  We are equipped with bug spray to ward off the mosquito's who did not get the memo that rains are gone and  I get to sleep in a tight and dry room at The Dolphin Lodge. (A Place Better Than Home).
He has not moved in a year. 

I mentally force myself to not whine about my food offerings reminding myself that each day we are offered 3 meals. Less than a kilometer or two away orphans are starving, moms are hoping to provide one meal of maize that they cook on an open fire perhaps with very dirty water.  

 Hands of Hope is like a breath of fresh air and hope!
There are many NGO's in Africa, (Non Government Organizations) each trying to make this vast continent a better place.  By the worlds standards Hands of Hope is small and insignificant. (We are under the radar but getting a lot done! Stateside there are no employees and we are small but becoming mighty as we promote our work.)

What excites me is that size does not determine the effectiveness.  We are small but what is being done is being noticed.  We with God's blessings are making a HUGE difference.  Let me know if you want to be part of this...:)

Yes, God has blessed our work! In two very remote and forgotten villages life and hope are coming to these people.  Like dormant seeds that are watered Lutendee and Mawawa are blossoming.   Hands of Hope chose a barren and desolate place on the earth that no one wanted to help, not even the local officials.  (More on that later.)

Scripture (Bible) is my source of guidance as I do life.  I do not take sections from the Bible out of their context and make them fit into my life filter to then justify my actions.  So as I share this verse with you I do so because I was reminded of a Biblical principal that threads throughout scripture.  It applies to these people we are focusing in on to help.  God cares for them!  God has heard their cries and is meeting them here in place no one signs up to go. 

 "The Lord did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any other people, for you were the least of all peoples;  but because the Lord loves you" words.. He has brought you hope.  

 In the blogs to come more pictures of Hope and Happiness will be shown.  From barren sandy plains to lush fertile crops Hands of Hope and Zambia Works are making a huge difference. 

From villages with no wells many of you through Hands of Hope have given clean water.  These crops are an oasis in the middle of a desert.

From a flat dusty plot of land, a village chief gave of his families legacy, land for a school! He wanted his people to be educated, Hands of Hope  with Zambia Works have built that school!

It takes great courage to open one's heart and mind to the tremendous injustice and suffering in our world. V. Gallagher 

Having been here twice I still find it hard to convey the bareness, the dirt, the poverty, the primitive thinking in place where time has stopped. I wish I were a word smith that could transfer you to a place few travel to  and have you grasp what is so foreign to you.  But through many of you Hope has come to these wonderful, grateful people.  Hope and hope for their future is what we desire to bring to them.  I am blessed because they have changed me.  


Sunday, July 14, 2013

It's Sunday

It is Sunday evening here in my home.  Sunday's are important days to me and to my family.  Our worship of God the creator of heaven and earth is pivotal to all that I do.  To many reading these blogs God is irrelevant or archaic. He perhaps is something one might consider at another time or choose not to believe in at all. 

Sundays are the day we corporately worship, while daily I am drawn to seek my Creator and Savior.  My relationship with Jesus compels me to serve others.  It gives meaning to my life and hope to those who need it.  I am also mandated to help those in need.  "Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors Him." Proverbs (Bible) 14.31 

Why do I include my personal beliefs in this Mongu adventure and journey?  I share this aspect of my trip because God is acknowledged and plays a part of the lives those in the Western Province of Mongu.  It may be a simple belief but He is an aspect of life that cannot be ignored.   Most villages have a church.  What they believe may vary but God is acknowledged in some way.  Another aspect of their spiritual journey is mystic and fearful. For those who fear I am sad. The spirit world is real, I believe this totally and the dark side of this realm paralyzes many from going forward in life.  

As I asked a 'million questions' about things I observed, one overriding question had to do with abandoned buildings that with little effort could be inhabited. Many were from the Colonial era when Britain dominated Africa, they are red brick structures that have stood the test of time.  Often a straw or mud hut is erected next to these homes of the past.  I was puzzled as to why these good buildings were not occupied.  The answer was that someone had probably died in the house and the fear of spirits kept them from inhabiting them.  The supernatural is real and cannot be ignored. 

I was privileged to visit several churches during our time here.  My husband, Don journeyed with us this year.  He had the privilege to teach a workshop for pastors and church leaders.  For both of us it was exciting to see the desire of  90+ people coming to learn how to study the Bible.  The spiritual hunger in this barren land, matched the physical hunger.  

The places of worship ranged from the primitive to constructed buildings.  The pictures below are Protestant in focus.  The photos at the bottom have the same building structure as do the Catholic churches. Most churches in the villages are mud in structure with thatched roofs.  Below are some snapshots of various places of worship. 

This was the host church for my husbands workshop.

The host church was one of the larger churches and could handle the group.
All pulpits are decorated in some form. This one had a drape.  The one below, flowers.

A simpler church, mud walls but a very nice building in the center of this village.

Guest home for visitors at the church above.
The Pastor, Choir Director and Don.

 Below is the best 'sign' I have yet to capture.  I shared in an earlier blog that cell phones in Africa have transcended all other modern conveniences.  An inhabitant of a grass/mud hut, the driver of an ox cart can be seen talking on his phone.  It is a status symbol and the ring tones are ear piercing.  This new world invasion has to be curbed within the church. Take note of the sign below! 

I asked the pastor of this church how they collected the fine for incoming phone call.  He shared that it is the task of the ushers.  They do collect! 
Take note all ministers!


For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?  Mathew (Bible) 16:26

The Spiritual cannot be ignored if the physical life is to change.  It is impossible.  Poverty is not just a financial state but a spiritual one as well.


Saturday, July 13, 2013

Let the Story's Begin

My initial intent to blog from Mongu on a semi regular basis went by the way as internet access and time did not cooperate with my plans.  The activities I will post will now be based on activities not the day today adventures I had planned.  

Two weeks ago today we left Chicago traveling to Mongu, Zambia.  My son, my brother in law, sister in law and two nieces were also in Africa.  Kenya.  We have yet to compare notes and pictures but I know they have beautiful safari pictures, Mt. Kilimanjaro pictures and viewed a much prettier part of Africa.  As I type this a.m. the barren, dusty, plains of Western Zambia are seared into my brain and senses.  (My bucket list does include trips to other parts of Africa!)

The blog that did not get posted shared our 8+ hour trip from Lusaka to Mongu.  I am chuckling as I read my draft about the trip to Mongu, while I am deprogramming from the trip back.  Both were adventures but we start at the beginning.

The vehicles that came to pick us up from Lusaka to make our journey were not the nice ones from last time.  They were smaller!  Mental adjustment #1 was knowing that circulation in the lower half of the body was going to be limited most of the day.  Having made the journey before the sense of adventure had to be recreated.  A fact quickly discovered was the shocks on this truck needed to be replaced, mental adjustment #2, we were in a motorized vehicle not an ox cart!   We came prepared with snacks for the day, water and a driver.  Let the journey begin.

6 hours into our trip we had the delightful privilege of stopping at a new project through Zambia Works.  Zambia Works is our on the ground organization making the projects we raise money for come into being. Zambia Works teach agriculture techniques, provide loans, oversee the projects started as they teach the people how to succeed on their own, wells, over see the schools built and are amazing.  They make us from Hands of Hope look really good!

The newest of projects, Honey!  This remote village secured a loan to harvest honey!  They knew we were coming and in wonderful African form celebrated our interest in their well being.  The work was the women's but the men were very eager to show us the projects. :)  $300 will purchase 3 Bee Suits, the smoker and 3 hives.  The hives look like small wood coffins, inside the hive are rows of frames allowing the bees to create their combs.    As they harvest the honey they will sell it, eat it and hope to gain more hives.   This opportunity is wonderful and something easily duplicated.  We are eager to watch this project develop.

We lived for honey. We swallowed a spoonful in the morning to wake us up and one at night to put us to sleep. We took it with every meal to calm the mind, give us stamina, and prevent fatal disease. We swabbed ourselves in it to disinfect cuts or heal chapped lips. It went in our baths, our skin cream, our raspberry tea and biscuits. Nothing was safe from honey...honey was the ambrosia of the gods and the shampoo of the goddesses.”
Sue Monk Kidd, The Secret Life of Bees

These ladies were awaiting our arrival!  It was a festive time and a honor to see the hope
and excitement in this village. Vicky Wauterlek too is delighted to see more dreams unfold. 

The Honey had a great flavor!  I hope this business grows for the buyer,
the seller and the consumer all will benefit. 

 This brief and wonderful stop in our journey to Mongu was a great way to launch our adventures in Mongu.   It made the travel day very, very long but worth it.

The scattered lights of Mongu come into view!  We are ‘home’.  Hungry, tired (50+ hours of travel and very little sleep) and longing to clean up!    The next  ‘mental adjustment must be made’.  Our arrival has been anticipated! We are  warmly greeted by our Zambian friends who were waiting for dinner; the beginning of our chicken rice/chips and slaw options that became our standard fare. 

The day ends as we are ushered into our 5 star Mongu hotel.  Pepto Bismol pink painted walls help to wake me up enough to sponge bath, brush my teeth, throw on my PJs and drop into a deep sleep.  In the days to come the uniqueness of this conference lodge will cause me once again to mentally readjust but for this night I was in ‘heaven’. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Mongu -

 The Internet and time availability were not my friend.  I am now able to begin posting the Mongu, Western Province of Zambia 'blog posts'.   This awesome journey was done with my husband and friends from Hands of Hope, Barrington, IL. 

In a few short hours one can be ‘shot’ around the world.  I am not on line to Google the information I could add to tell you how long it would take to fly the world from Chicago back to Chicago or any other round trip point.  What I do know is that those of us who live in the western world, with our first world cultures are often so far removed from what most of the world experiences that to explain it to you would take the world best word master.

I am far from being that person but in the blogs to come I will continue to attempt to bring to you knowledge about people who live, breathe and need hope in a  culture worlds away.  The medium of a blog cannot give to you the smells, the touch, the surroundings, the dirt and the experiences of a culture and places worlds away but I will try.  Pictures will help as we have been told they are worth 1000 words. 

I desire to share facts, hope, emotion and to evoke a sense in you that says, “life does not need to revolve around me”. When the things of this world remain or become  our focus for happiness, contentment will never be found.   Hands of Hope,  in a corner of the world so far removed from what we experience each day, does just that. They bring hope and perhaps a better life.  I have watched the work of those who  have given of their time and talents to open up a new world for these people in Mongu! Lives are being changed! 

Mongu is not  the only place in the world where life is destitute and with out hope.  ¾ ‘s of the world can fall into this description.  India, Pakistan, N. Korea, Central America, Haiti, most of Africa and so many more countries are desperate too.  For me and for Hands of Hope, this is our place to make a difference!

The African people of Zambia have won over my heart.  With each blog I desire to convey two things.  One, that your heart too will be stirred to care about something beyond your personal wish list.   If you are reading this you are ‘rich’ by the worlds standards.   Two, is that you might journey with me as I peal back the layers of  world trapped in time and poverty.  Hope (Hands of Hope) is bringing change to people forsaken by their own.  

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.”  Charles Dickens

Monday, July 8, 2013

Another world. Perhaps we have brought hope and help.

I have been trying for over a week to get a blog posted.  In a weeks time a LOT of things have happened, experiences and emotions have come and gone and the angst of my not being able to communicate these things is really a first world problem.  As I type I still could experience the electricity going out, the Internet deciding to give itself a rest before I post this, my photos not uploading, etc.

Outside of the doors of my hotel is a world where there is one paved road a block away that takes us to the side roads that lead into the bush!  The irony of this entire picture is that in each village of straw and mud huts cell-phones abound. The cell phone world has transcended every other form of modern life.  People live in huts.  People cook outside over fires.  People walk to get water, People may not be able to read but they can communicate via cell phone. 

As I typed this last paragraph I must share what I learned yesterday.  With in 8-10 miles of the one paved road, connecting the villages with world, villages abound where if a person was born after 1961 they have never seen a vehicle.   1961!   Britain left Zambia.  They left buildings, they left everything.  The culture was unprepared to do life on their own in a modern world very well.

Today the town of Mongu occupies the old British buildings, side walks that once connect stores and businesses are chunks of cement here and there.  Every once and while a newer cement block building has been built but the town remains as it was many years ago.

Our focus has been in the bush, it will remain there.  I will share later the awesome transformation of two villages where we work that are coming alive, because they are learning how to work, how to farm, how to read, how to do community hope is arising. 

We leave shortly to visit the clinic that was built and dedicated last August when I was here.  This past week they finally started to get supplies. We are bringing some meds, and hopefully soon the government will help supply more.  Perhaps soon help will be available to those who need it desperately.  Aids is the #1 killer, 27% of the population are affected.  Leaving orphans and widows who may also have aids.  The picture below was taken in a class room for 4th graders.  This is part of the curriculum.    Our clinic is a critical piece of the healing puzzle.   This is a broken culture that truly needs help.  Help physically and help spiritually.

Poster in a 4th grade class room.