Thursday, December 13, 2012

It is December! Buy me a....?

Hands of Hope - Girl and Goat Gift Card (13)   I love December!  I love the festive focus that permeates our culture.  I love giving.  I love sharing time with friends, I love the desire to create a time of celebration.  Can you imagine not having a time set aside time to focus on others or significant spiritual truths?  How sad and boring our lives would be!

Oh, do not get me wrong, the materialism, the greed, the focus on accumulating more 'stuff' is not ignored or missed or even endorsed.  I so do not enjoy that aspect of this season.   The desire to remove Jesus Christ from the mix because 'He' is found offensive or irrelevant  also hits my radar.   However, that does not deter me from celebrating, giving and delighting in what is important.   Why should I allow those who are self absorbed rob me and those around me of the true joy found in the true meaning of Christmas?

Perhaps you are asking yourself where is she going with this train of thought, given my focus in this blog has been on Zambia.  Well, since the question is raised, the answer is in giving.   How many of you are asked what you want for Christmas?   You are stumped!  You have the electronic gadgets that you 'need'.  You have clothes on your back, your closets are full to capacity.  You have food for your table.  You have 'stuff' crammed in closets, garage and perhaps a storage unit for your 'extra stuff'.  You have jewelry you have not worn in years from past Christmas' or you have ugly ties and sweaters that still have the tags on them from previous years.  You are flowing in the abundance of 'stuff'.  However we are still asked "What do I 'want' for Christmas?".

Step outside our affluent culture with me to this 3rd world place called Zambia.  Ask any one of them what they would like for Christmas and they would not have to think.  Water!   Food!  Medicine!  It does not get more simple that that!  They have no room for 'stuff'.   A grass hut gives shelter from night animals, sand blowing and rain.  But water, food and a chance to be or get well is a heart longing of every human being.

In this blog I want you to begin to think of 'not' accumulating more 'stuff' for you, your children, your grandchildren, your bosses or .... but give a gift of life to a child in their name.  Most of us can do both!

Today's blog is a focus on giving a goat!    A goat!   Yes a goat.   Goats give, milk, cheese, meat and perhaps a new business the one who receives it, a simple small goat will change lives.   My sarcastic bent would be encourage you to buy a goat card as gift, for that 'old goat' in your life who does not appreciate much of anything.  A child's life and family will be changed forever. :)    I know from experience that a child in your life would love that another child can live because you helped them give a goat! 

 Hands of Hope - Goat Gift Card (12)   Hands of Hope - Boy and Goat Gift Card (14)

HANDS OF HOPE ( can make this happen!!  Please check us out!  I LOVE this organization because there is no red tape and all of my money goes to the projects, ALL.   You can click on to the site and have a card sent to your loved one just like these above. They are beautiful cards that will not be forgotten, tossed aside or thrown away.  You will have blessed the one you have gifted and the receiver of the goat whose life may be forever changed.

Merry Christmas!

Acts 20:35 (Bible)  Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” 

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