Saturday, March 1, 2014

Silence Does Not Make Problems Disappear

It has been over a month since I last blogged.  Why?  A good question!!! The message I try to convey, that needs to be shouted about and shared does not disappear just because someone is not writing or talking about it.   The message: 'You Can Make A Difference In This World :)."

I continue to live in the lap of luxuries.  That has remained a constant.   I continue to be blessed with a warm home, clean WATER available in many rooms of my home such as the laundry, kitchen and bathroom(s).  When spring comes we will attach  hoses to the out door faucets, water our plants and our lawn.  I am surely NOT complaining but gratefully accounting the blessings that few in this world know.  If you are reading this you are blessed as well. 

The why of this blog comes together with the opposites of life.  The 'haves' bless the 'have-nots'.  Everyone wins! As I share about the 'haves' opportunity to help the 'have-nots' it can be a beautiful cycle that works!

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” Mother Theresa

The Western Provence of Zambia is a desolate and desperate place to live.  Those living there need help and hope.  Hands of Hope brings this very thing to them.  This people group is so poor and so remote that even their government cast them off.  But God has not!  He sees them and hears their pleas!  He loves them and through people who care, hope is brought to them!

This truck replaced the oxcarts
This oxcart is standard ground transportation.
As we work this venue and help the very poor, it often feels like we are pouring a bucket of water into a desert. However,  in God's design that bucket of water has been multiplied and gardens are sprouting!!!!  That bucket of water has opened doors for health issues to be addressed, education to be addressed and little by little lives are being changed.  We are part of a miracle.

Soon the organization that I support HANDS OF HOPE ( ) will host its annual fund raiser.  It is one pure, magnificent experience!!

Incredible estate gardens are opened up to those who wish to bask in the beautiful and often surreal landscapes.   We witness God's creation come alive through the gift He has given those to care for and design these beautiful gardens.   This is an invitation to join something awesome that makes a difference in peoples lives. 
 Check us out, you won't be disappointed!  Check us out! Every dollar is micro managed so nothing is wasted! Your money (all your money, ticket price included) goes to our projects.  What you give, your participation and help is so valued and appreciated that we make certain it goes to help those in need.
Check us out and be 'awed'. 

The fallow ground of the poor would yield much food 
but is swept away by injustice. 
 Proverbs (Bible) 13:23

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