Sunday, September 8, 2013

We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. ~Thomas Fuller, 1732

A gift of life! Like Kara this little girls life depends on water!
The week of September 13 changed me forever when my daughter died.  No one should die at 25 but our world is unfair, our circumstances are not ours to control.  Mothers who loose their children are changed forever.  Oh, we go on but a piece of our hearts are torn and the hole is never filled.  The scars remain and all scars hurt from time to time. When they hurt the pain of remembrance reoccurs and we always must decide what to do with pain.

 My choice has become to provide water to those who cannot get it on their own.

Kara was a Juvenal diabetic.  Her journey through life was atypical. Too many days her blood sugar levels were high and she required water.  Her thirst was insatiable and water was a critical part of her life line.   Water, that simple element we take for granted.  We have water available to us in all forms, tap water, fresh spring water, purified water, flavored water, mineral water, vitamin water, well water, sparkling water and probably more I have not listed.  We are blessed and for most of us we do not think twice about this most critical thing we need to live.  We brush our teeth while water runs freely into our sinks, we flush our toilets without a second thought that this is a luxury.  We wash our clothes and our dishes without thinking of a secondary use for our water.  We bathe with the ease of turning our showers or faucets to fill our tubs, we can choose the temperature and the water levels without any extra effort.  Our norm is a foreign concept for most of the world.

Because someone cared this little girl lives!
As my eyes were opened to the need of water around the world, the lack of good, clean fresh water something with in me snapped.   I thought of the other mom's who wanted nothing more than to get water for their babies.  Mothers who could not care for their families because their water source was miles from home. Mothers who served dirty water to drink because that is all that available.  Mothers who watched their babies die because of water.

Today's blog will be short because I want those of you who read to take mental note of the part water plays in your life.  How would you feel or function without it?  If the day to day water use were pulled from you how much would you give to get it back?

Kara loved children!  Kara needed water!  Kara's memory is shared in place that is no longer forsaken. 

Will you consider a donation?  A village in Western Zambia is waiting for someone who cares enough to build them a well?  My goal through HANDS OF HOPE, Barrington, IL    ( is to get 10 more wells placed in 2013.  One well is only $5000.   Check out the link above and purchase some "Well" Cards as a gift of life for someone you love.   Would you like to dedicate a well in memory of someone you love?  The gift of water gives life and hope to those who have none.

Proverbs 3:27
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it

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