Thursday, July 26, 2012

Preparing for the Journey

It has been a long time since I 'blogged'.  As I begin this adventure of traveling to Mongu, Zambia. I will bring those of you who have asked, along with me.  I am hoping my internet connections will allow me to post often, as I know I will have down time to write.  

Today, before I leave the country I decided to share my emotions from yesterday as I finished up my packing.   If you followed me on FB then this will be a repeat entry.  However, the preparation for any journey is vital to the success of the trip.  Knowing the blessings I experience daily overwhelmed me and humbled me.  For those I will visit are grateful for a cup of water or a meal.

"In 24 hours I leave for O Hare heading to Zambia, via London. Today as I was driving through a very plush shopping area picking up the last few items I am to take with me, I was overwhelmed with emotion. I could go and purchase anything I might want or need. I had options of brands and offerings to choose from. I had a car and gas to get me to the destinations of my choice. It was 90+ degrees and my car was air conditioned. Tears filled my eyes as I thought of my incredible blessings and the plush life that I experience. I pondered the very plush life that most Americans live and the lives we complain about or choose to be dissatisfied with. I know personally of those on public aid and they too live very well compared to 2/3's of the world. Seriously!

I have been in 3rd world countries. I have seen starvation and poverty at its worst. I came home today humbled and grateful for my blessings but weighed down by what I am going into. We will bring a 'drop' of water in a vast desert but they will be grateful. We will bring hope and encouragement because they see that Americans care. These emotions alone will warm their hearts and carry them for many days. As you choose to grumble about your life's bumps think of this little girl, or the little boy pushing his 5 gallon jugs of water up hill to his home. Take a deep, deep breath and give a prayer of thanksgiving that you have been blessed."

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting that as I am here in Honduras one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere, you are headed to one of the poorer countries in the eastern hemisphere. Who would have ever guessed God's calling on our lives when we stood and said "I do" almost 42 years ago.
    Love you
