Children in America will create their list(s) and parents will scramble for the hottest toy around. These lists are created in the midst of last years toys that are piled or stored in closets forgotten in the search for new. Black Friday millions of American shoppers will stand in line to be the first into a store to get that ultimate deal of the season. Let the games begin.
I could find no toys in Mongu! I have two grand daughters who truly are blessed beyond description in all aspects of life. When I travel I generally bring them back a 'present'. That is code for 'toy'. For when you are 4 and 6 years of age, 'toys' are the best gifts of all. :) I told them that would bring them home a 'present'. So you can be certain I was on the look out.
The soccer game photo below is being played with a very old, deflated ball.
We found this push toy when visiting a family that had a 'hammer mill' business. (Another story for another blog.) The children were shy so they allowed Susan and Eloise 'play'. Note what this toy was made out of. (click on photo to enlarge).
As I shop this year for my family and for those I love, my desire is to also share with those outside of the US who truly are in need. You can't ship your toys over seas but you can contribute to a better life. Water and food are gifts that sustain, give hope and life. For each child you buy a gift for, consider buying a gift for a Zambian child. this is one gift that won't be discarded after opening, stuffed in a closet or put in a garage sale this spring. It is life giving. Why don't you share this opportunity with your family and friends? Let me know if you are 'in'!!!!!
"In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35 (Bible)