Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink.

Today marks the birthday of my daughter Kara. She entered heaven 8 years ago at the age of 25. This year I am a bit more melancholy and teary than normal.  When someone you love dies, they never leave you. When a child goes before you, a part of you is torn from your heart.   Though you may heal to a degree of functioning without the one you lost, a scar remains forever.  Scars are reminders of a wound that healed, but a memory of pain that has left its mark. 

I became a part of Hands of Hope ( because of a water project several years ago.  The thought of not having water to drink hit a very big chord with me.  Water, apart from air it is the most critical element of life. A healthy child's body is 77% water!  Adults percentage drops just a bit but it is always over 50%!   

Water is what kept Kara alive for many years.  She was severe diabetic with blood sugar levels for several years averaging 500-800.  Water, water, water was what she craved.  She drank it, she had it pumped into her with saline solutions and electrolytes  but water was the critical life link. 

When I became aware of how precious and scarce water is to so much of the world I wept.   Kara would have died by the age of 10 or 11 had she lived outside the western world.  She had plenty of water. Water, clean fresh water, she had only to ask and it was there for her.  How blessed and fortunate for us to live here where we could meet that one simple, vital need for her. 

With knowledge comes responsibility.  How could we just put our blessings on a shelf and ignore that  'Kara's' in other parts of the world needed this vital element of life.  Typhoid, diphtheria, malaria and a myriad of other water born diseases are killing children daily!  Mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers too, mourn the loss of a family member and in their situations clean water could have avoided these deaths.

Beginning today, should you choose to follow my blogs, making people aware of the needs for wells will be a resounding message, theme and plea.  Right now my focus for wells is in the Western Provence of Zambia.  The need is world wide but I cannot affect the whole world, so I will focus here.

One well that will give a village fresh water costs mere $5000!  My mission is get money for 8 wells this year, 2012. Why 8?  Because it is cost efficient to dig more than one well at a time and this number just scratches the surface of the need.   10 is the target # we have money currently for 2.   

It is such a simple mission.  If 100 people donate $50.00 a village can get a well!  That is all!   My personal mission is to have at least 2 'Kara's Well' sites.   What I would love to see happen,  is if a neighborhood, a youth group, a scout troop, a diabetes support group or ??, help me raise money for your own well.  You will get a plaque, it is yours to honor someone you love.  You will know where your well exists, you will know that you have helped to keep people alive!  When I go back next year I will show you 'your well'.   What do you think? 

Spend a few minutes contemplating these pictures. I am forever changed having watched this water collection unfold.  This could be your daughter, niece, your sister.  When you give a well you give a beginning to life.  
We cannot all do great things but we can do small things with great love. -- Mother Theresa

Interested?  I do hope so.  You can go on line and give (  If you want to get your own well, let me know!  Is there someone you want to remember by giving life to another? Christmas is a great time to give this gift. Bring your family into the process. 

Every dollar you give will go to the well project!  We have no employees or buildings here in the US.  We have no overhead.  It is awesome.  Will you pass this plea on?  Will you join me in providing such a simple but dire need to others just like this little girl?  

Thank you for taking the time to read this and allow me to share such profound and life changing moments.  I am responsible to share what I have seen and engage others to join in helping to change the lives who have no hope without our help.  If you want to help with the "Kara's Well" project that too would be a gift.  This is a mission I must fulfill.  I cannot do it alone but $50+ from lots of people will get the 10 wells dug by summer.  :)

For it is in giving that we receive.  Saint Francis of Assisi

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Vera Bradley goes to Mongu!

Grocery Shopping in Mongu! Product from a loan recipient.
It has been a month since my last entry.  The pace of my life is hectic but never boring,  busy but rarely mundane and generally full of some unplanned experience that give me too many life lessons.  This past month can be defined this way however,  I cannot let 'life' distract me.  I want to get back to Mongu, Zambia.

Once again I peel off a different layer of my Zambian experiences.   There were multiple adventures in a given day.  8 days of so many facets. I personally needed more time to 'slowly' absorb all that was unfolding before me.   The people are incredible, longing to survive and have hope.  As I dissect what I discovered, hopefully I will cast a vision for someone to help me, as I desire to help others. These forgotten overlooked people are worth fighting for!

As we prepared to leave for Zamiba, we collected many, many gifts to bring for those we were going to visit and encourage.  Sharing this next story is such fun!  Today's post is wonderfully random. Vera Bradley goes to Mongu! We will not be in the bush today! 
Vera Bradley for those of you who do not know the name is a designer of cloth handbags, totes, pocket books, stationary, etc. etc. etc.  You only find her stores in upscale malls or perhaps on lineShe has a huge presence in the western world.   Each season the fabric and some of the styles change.   For the die hard Vera groupies to be caught with last years 'anything' is a fashion 'no no'!  I have no clue if Vera Bradley is still alive, but her following is and is going strong. 

A week before we left the US,  I happened to be at a mall hosting their annual Side Walk Sales.  The weather was perfect for such an event and by all appearances the stores were selling a great deal of product this day.  Vera Bradley's venue was particularly busy.  It reminded me of an I Love Lucy sitcom.  The ladies were frantically going through the bins and tubs of overstocked Vera. This was a sale not to be missed!

Watching this sale frenzy unfold, my Hands of Hope mentor and friend's voice jumped into my head, "You never know if someone will give you anything unless you ask!" Armed with excitement and fortitude I walked through the maze of very determined shoppers and asked to speak with the manager! The manager no less on Side Walk Sale madness day!  To my surprise and delight she gave  me 10 VB bags to gift start up business women in Africa!  She shared that Vera Bradley loved to give to these types of projects. With these great bags in hand, I was excited to head off to this unknown place called Mongu! 

Below are 'our ladies'!  Woman who now run a business because of generous, caring people that provide funds through Hands of Hope for small loans!

Isn't she beautiful?  Her radiance and her excitement were felt the moment we met her.  I wish I had caught her name. Getting African women to smile is quite hard.  As you see the smiles on these faces know it was from the heart. :)
 The four ladies on the left, borrowed money from our micro finance loan project. They each have a kiosk in the market and are thriving They actually work side by side!
This lady was giddy with the receiving of her gift!  A treasure! However, her real joy in
meeting us was that she had a chance to earn a living! 

Eloise, Susan, our merchant and m
This lady's kiosk is small however, she has one of the first shops as we entered the market.  These photo's do not capture the excitement and surprise at meeting us, her benefactors and then to receive a gift.

 Hands of Hope (Barrington,IL)  provides micro finance loans to help Zambian women move out of poverty, give them a skill and a life purpose!  Witnessing first hand, the fruits of our effort here was truly a joy and a delight.  We were able to gift our 'business women' with Vera Bradley bags.  Oh, they have no idea who Vera is but, they loved the gift and the beautiful bright colors of the bags.  What they loved even more was a chance to live! 

Consider this, the next time you 'bless' yourself with that 'must have' item, why don't you set aside a little bit more money and bless another person who would love a better life?    Hands of Hope ( ( )

The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving. Albert Einstein

P.S.  I found this Vera Bradley note set on the desk off one of the pastors the day we were leaving Mongu.  Way to go Vera you have made your presence known around the world. :) :)